E / In the video installation “Maleen, in some moments I envy you for your cool, dignified and conscious distance towards the environment”, body, camera and language are in a constant, choreographed correlation. They seem to be coordinated and equally become the instrument for the intuitive exploration of spatial environments, which only form themselves in the perception. Thereby space is certainly not constant: it is rather a dynamic entity, which is co-constituted by the individual consciousness and the movements. Through Leoni’s installative, expansive presentation, the viewer is confronted with a double projection placed on different walls, whereby the spatial perception generated in the movement is transferred to him. Seized by this delimitation, the self-determined positioning seems more than precarious.
Excerpt of the original text in German: Zur Konstruktion filmischer
Zwischen-Räume. Das künstlerische Schaffen von Florine Leoni. Dr.phil.
Doris Gassert 2014
«You must come to clarity, in a distance, leave everything behind you, separate the past and the presence.
Tu dois arriver à plus de clarté, te distancer, tout laisser derrière toi.
Sépare le passé et le présent.
Coming into clarity, leave everything behind, people and places.
Venir à la clarté. Laisser tout derrière soi, les gens et les lieux.
Présence. Ce que je vois maintenant : trois personnes dans un espace fictif.
Therein I see ourselfs mirrored, motionless, knowing nothing.
Là-dedans, je nous vois reflété, immobile, ignorant.
Don’t get stuck with the view. make more connections with the surrounding area, between each other.
Ne fixez pas votre vue, faites plus de connexions avec l’environnement et entre vous.
E / In the video installation “Maleen, in some moments I envy you for your cool, dignified and conscious distance towards the environment”, body, camera and language are in a constant, choreographed correlation. They seem to be coordinated and equally become the instrument for the intuitive exploration of spatial environments, which only form themselves in the perception. Thereby space is certainly not constant: it is rather a dynamic entity, which is co-constituted by the individual consciousness and the movements. Through Leoni’s installative, expansive presentation, the viewer is confronted with a double projection placed on different walls, whereby the spatial perception generated in the movement is transferred to him. Seized by this delimitation, the self-determined positioning seems more than precarious.
Excerpt of the original text in German: Zur Konstruktion filmischer Zwischen-Räume. Das künstlerische Schaffen von Florine Leoni. Dr.phil. Doris Gassert 2014
«You must come to clarity, in a distance, leave everything behind you, separate the past and the presence.
Tu dois arriver à plus de clarté, te distancer, tout laisser derrière toi.
Sépare le passé et le présent.
Coming into clarity, leave everything behind, people and places.
Venir à la clarté. Laisser tout derrière soi, les gens et les lieux.
Présence. Ce que je vois maintenant : trois personnes dans un espace fictif.
Therein I see ourselfs mirrored, motionless, knowing nothing.
Là-dedans, je nous vois reflété, immobile, ignorant.
Don’t get stuck with the view. make more connections with the surrounding area, between each other.
Ne fixez pas votre vue, faites plus de connexions avec l’environnement et entre vous.
Je suis très tendue.
Mauvaise ligne.
Ce n’est pas une ligne.
Dialoge template for three actors. Excerpt